Associated Costs
Costs for Participating in the Bethel Park Online Academy
Courses that are district paid may include:
Full Time Cyber Students - Students enrolled in the Bethel Park Online Academy full time may take a maximum of 8 credits per year for no charge. Seniors may not enroll in the Academy the second semester of their senior year.
Homebound Instruction - Once a student meets the criteria established in policy 177 - Homebound Instruction, the district may provide online instruction during the period of approved absence at district’s expense.
Differentiated or Accelerated Learning - The district shall pay the fee for students with a documented need for an accelerated educational program or an alternate education setting as outlined in the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Gifted Individualized Education Program (GIEP).
Scheduling Conflicts - Courses offered in our handbook, but unavailable to a student due to scheduling conflicts. The district bears the cost of these courses with the approval of the Superintendent, Director of the Online Academy, building principal, and student’s school guidance counselor.
The parent/guardian paid online courses shall include:
Credit Recovery - The school district may offer credit recovery courses online, as per established school policies and procedures. Online summer school and/or credit recovery remediation courses shall count towards student graduation requirements but will not be included in class rank or GPA.
Enrichment - Online courses not offered in our district course selection handbook.
Exceeding Course Credit Limits - Students may take a maximum of 8 credits per school year. Any credits beyond 8 would have to be approved by the building principal and guidance counselor. The parent/guardian would be responsible for paying for all courses beyond the 8 credits.